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Happy Ending Massages: The Guilty Pleasure


Happy ending massages are massages that end in a pleasurable release. In the simplest terms, a happy ending is an orgasm so happy ending massages are designed to arouse the body and end in a pleasurable, orgasmic release.

Many people see happy ending massages as taboo, a form of prostitution and illegal. However, prostitution is legal in the UK although brothels are not. A happy ending massage is not technically ‘prostitution’ as the happy ending is often offered as an optional extra and thus, is a consensual sexual act between two adults as opposed to a business transaction. But wherever you might sit on the happy ending spectrum (prostitution, consensual sex or somewhere in between), there’s no doubt that such massages possess a wealth of health benefits.

The Modern Day Witch Hunt For Happy Ending Massage

Erotic masseuses are not usually thought to be or seen as licensed massage therapists. This is because there are strict regulations on massage therapy and licensed practitioners are tightly monitored against any activity that may be deemed as sexual.  But this witch hunt focuses so heavily on the sexual nature of a happy ending massage that they overlook the benefits.

Happy ending massages work towards maintaining positive psychological health as well as physiological. They incorporate the whole body, sexual areas as well as the neutral. This whole body inclusion is what makes erotic massages so effective in providing holistic pain relief. Sex organs might bring on arousal, but at the end of the day, they are still organs. These sex organs are made up of muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerve endings, which experience spasms, pain, strains and general discomfort just like the ‘neutral’ parts of the body. In fact, they probably feel discomfort even more, because they are where most nerve endings are. They are greatly sensitive and can bring on intense pain as well as pleasure. This just makes their care and maintenance even more important.

When sex organs are the root cause for problems (physical and mental), they are denied thoughtful, gentle therapy and are often subjected to a harsh course of antibiotics or some other form of insensitive treatment. Happy ending massages are a more delicate form of treatment and many health regulators overlook this.

The Benefits of Happy Ending Massage

Many people don’t realise the importance of a healthy sexuality. A healthy sex life and drive can balance an overworked mind, relax a tired body and motivate even the most dejected of people. As a result, happy ending massages are more than beneficial to the person that’s receiving it, but their new positive attitude towards life will impact on everyone they come across – their partner, family, friends and work colleagues. Happy ending massages are beneficial to society as a whole.

Here are their main benefits:

Significantly decreases stress and anxiety levels
Improved sex drive and sexual performance
Mental satisfaction
Increased motivation and work ethic
Improved concentration
Helps with insomnia
Alleviates muscle aches and pains
Boosts immune, circulatory and digestive systems
Glowing skin

It’s Not Sexual Gratification

Although happy ending massages provide sexual satisfaction, they are not a means to gratification. They facilitate sexual healing (which encourages mental and physical healing) through techniques designed to arouse the body and build up towards an orgasmic release. Erotic masseuses are not prostitutes – they are professional therapists who have been trained in the art of arousing the body, helping the client control their urges and eventually release their tensions. Although the methods are sexual in nature, this is all a part of stimulating the whole body and creating total relief.

If this is the kind of pain relief you desire, we offer an excellent array of erotic massages, including happy ending, from £140 an hour. Check out our happy ending massage london therapy page

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